Welcome back to Hang 10 with Birdie, where we catch up with friends Birdwell has made along the way, in and out of the water. If you’ve been keeping up with our feature series The Dazzling Blue, then writer, surfer, and Fulbright Fellow Jamie Brisick will surely be no stranger. Jamie’s long been one of our very favorite creatives (he also happens to seriously rip out in the water), so we’re beyond stoked to share his answers to life’s important (and not-so-important) questions. In addition to his work for Birdwell, Jamie’s lengthy resume includes a stint as a pro surfer on the ASP, editor of Surfing Magazine, and regular writer for respected periodicals like The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Surfer’s Journal. He’s also authored a stack of acclaimed books, including Becoming Westerly and Have Board Will Travel: The Definitive History of Surf, Skate, and Snow. Considered one of the most trusted voices of the sport by insiders and outsiders alike, he’s currently the global editor of Huck Magazine and lives in Los Angeles.
1) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
- Dropping down the face of a Leblon wedge (Rio)(bodysurfing).
2) Which three people, living or historical, would you invite to dinner? Why?
- Speed Racer, Curious George, Lily Munster. For the conversation.
3) The current background image on your phone?
- A pic of the interior of an abandoned, rusted-out car with a small jungle of greenery growing inside of it, and some flowers. I came across the car on Chatham Island. I liked the symbolism. I shot the pic.
4) Is there a day in your life that you’d like to live over again?
- Absolutely not.
5) Would you rather be able to have night vision or to paddle as fast as a jet ski?
- Night vision would offer some wonderful possibilities.
6) Coolest animal you’ve bumped into out in the water?
- Sea horse.
7) Favorite wave?
- The one I'm dropping into.
8) Dawn patrol or sunset session?
- I much prefer the sunset session.
9) What's your super power?
- I like the words.
10) Best memory in Birdwells?
- My very first pair of boardshorts were Birdwells. I remember coming out of the cold water and laying face-down in the hot sand on a scorcher of a summer's day at Santa Monica State Beach. The sun was bright, the salt water burned my eyes. In my mind was a double scoop of Rocky Road ice cream on a sugar cone.