Welcome back to Hang 10 with Birdie, where we catch up with friends Birdwell has made along the way, in and out of the water. This time we’re linking up with Israel Preciado, born and raised in Sayulita, Mexico. For two weeks every spring, Israel also doubles as the unofficial mayor of one of Mexico’s sweetest surf destinations, Playa La Saladita. Known the world over for its great vibe and one of the longest lefts in Mexico, the coastal town also hosts the Mexi Log Fest, which Preciado founded in 2016. The seven day festival is a first-of-its-kind logging competition that also features food, music, yoga, and surf instruction — the culmination of Preciado’s experience as a boat captain, surf tour guide, and sponsored rider for numerous brands. Unassuming, warm, and seriously graceful on the board, Preciado’s low-key hospitality and grace make him a perfect host.
1) What's your super power?
- I'm mexican 😂
2) Would you rather be able to have night vision or to paddle as fast as a jet ski?
- Night vision so I can surf at night when everyone is sleeping
3) Which three people, living or historical, would you invite to dinner? Why?
- Bob Marley,
- Che Guevara,
- Joe Rogan
- We would have awesome mexican food, the bob can jam a few songs while Che, Joe and I smoke some cigars and joe can interview them while cracking some awesome jokes
4) Where are you as you answer these questions?
- Im sitting at Lourdes Bar & Grill in La saladita watching some perfect lefts being shred by some of the most stylish longboarders in the world.
5) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
- I’ll be just right in the same spot I’m right now holding my daughter Olivia
6) Guilty pleasure?
- Collecting surfboards
7) What posters did you have on your walls when you were growing up?
- Joel Tudor’s - hanging ten at the cote de basque
8) What’s your favorite word, or one you use all the time?
- Thank you
9) The current background image on your phone?
- Me and my daughter.
10) What’s in your car trunk right now?
- A bunch of surfboards from all my friends who drove down with me from Sayulita to La Saladita, ohh and my daughter’s car seat